
Wouldn’t it be swell if you could invite Pete, Pam, Ricky, Holly, and Sue Hollister to your child’s next birthday party? While the characters themselves might not be on the guest list, a Happy Hollisters-themed birthday party is a great way for your book-loving kid and their party guests to feel like they’re celebrating with their fictional friends—and you’re sure to enjoy the nostalgia, too!

To give your party a Shoreham vibe, transform your home into a scene from one of the books. Use vintage or 1950s decorations to make your party guests feel like they’re sitting in the Hollisters’ living room, or break out the toy and tool boxes and set up your home to look like Mr. Hollister’s combination hardware, sporting goods, and toy store, The Trading Post. You could even use school-themed decorations and transport your party guests to Miss Nelson’s classroom. Since the Hollisters travel all over the world to solve mysteries, you can also incorporate the setting of your child’s favorite book into the decorations. Their adventures take them everywhere from Alaska to Italy, so the options are limitless!

The Hollister children love to have fun, so games are a must at a party with a Happy Hollisters theme. Put a unique twist on traditional party games like “Pin the Tail on Domingo,” or organize guests into teams for balloon-spoon relays. Challenging guests to find cutouts of White Nose’s kittens or missing jewels for a scavenger hunt or following a trail of riddles to find a treasure, will also make party guests feel like they’re in their very own Happy Hollisters adventure. You can also combine food and fun with an old-fashioned taffy pull or bobbing for apples.

For sweet treats, you can also give common party desserts a Happy Hollister’s flair. Decorate a cake, cupcakes, or cookies with your child’s favorite character—or with their favorite animal friend from the books, like Zip, White Nose, or Domingo. You could set up a picnic, indoors or out, complete with grilled frankfurters and s’mores for dessert. You might even want to serve the Hollister’s favorite breakfast treat, flapjacks—although if any of your guests has a “hollow leg” like Ricky, you might want to make an extra batch!


At the end of the party, why not spread the love of the Happy Hollisters book series? Send each guest home with their own Happy Hollisters paperback or coloring/activity book, so that the fun and adventures can continue even when the party is over. We offer special pricing on multiple copy orders—contact us to see how we can help you with party favors.



With these party ideas, you’re sure to throw a bash that Pete, Pam, Ricky, Holly, and Sue would love to attend—and you can even share your love of the Happy Hollisters while hosting a memorable party. Now that’s swell!

By Libby Svenson Kennedy
